James Hartshorn

My thoughts, recorded occasionally.

Jul 30, 2023

Taming my email inbox

Recently, I decided to set up an iCloud email address with a custom domain. Having been an early Gmail adopter, I was fortunate to secure a clean email address without...

Jul 29, 2023

The fallen leaves tell a story—an Elden Ring post-mortem

It took me over 130 hours to finish Elden Ring. As someone who is widely regarded by others as an actual grown-up, my adventures in the Lands Between were usually...

Jul 28, 2023

Hello, world (again)!

I’ve taken the opportunity of changing my domain to reboot this blog. I’m hosting it on GitHub Pages which has great support for the Jekyll static website generator - rather...

Dec 18, 2022

My Mastodon profile

🐘mastodon.social/@jhartshorn As Twitter is now banning both links to Mastodon, and to link aggregators, use this link to access my profile. I’ll be primarily using Mastodon instead of Twitter going...

Dec 18, 2022

A few thoughts on Mastodon

As the Elon Musk/Twitter shitshow has unfolded over the past few weeks, I’ve been using Mastodon more. I originally signed up for an account on mastodon.social in 2018, but didn’t...